Planning Consultants in Birmingham

Birmingham is rising. Booming with innovation, buzzing with cultural energy, and brimming with potential, the city is on an exciting trajectory. But navigating the complexities of urban development and achieving sustainable growth requires expertise, foresight, and a deep understanding of the local landscape.

That's where Evolve comes in.


Planning Applications and Certificates

Planning Appeals

Topic Based Assessments including Housing Land Supply


about us

We’re your trusted partner in unlocking Birmingham’s potential, one project at a time.

We are Birmingham planning consultants.

Our roots run deep in this vibrant city. We understand its history, its challenges, and its unique strengths. We are passionate about Birmingham’s future, and we’re committed to shaping it through informed, creative, and collaborative planning solutions.

What We Do:

Planning expertise: Whether you’re a developer navigating the intricacies of the planning process, a community group seeking to revitalise your neighbourhood, or a public body aiming for impactful infrastructure projects, we offer a comprehensive range of planning consultancy services.

Strategic solutions: We go beyond just ticking boxes. We delve into the heart of your project, analysing its context, identifying opportunities, and crafting tailored solutions that deliver lasting value.

Community engagement: We believe in inclusive planning. We actively engage with stakeholders, residents, and local authorities to ensure your project resonates with the needs and aspirations of the community.

Sustainable thinking: We champion sustainable development, ensuring your project respects the environment, promotes social well-being, and contributes to Birmingham’s long-term prosperity.

Why Choose Us:

  • Local knowledge, national expertise: We combine our in-depth understanding of Birmingham’s planning landscape with a network of national connections and best practices.
  • Creative problem-solving: We don’t shy away from challenges. We see them as opportunities to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions that truly make a difference.
  • Collaborative spirit: We believe in building strong partnerships, working closely with you and key stakeholders and local communities to achieve your vision and exceed expectations.
  • Passion for Birmingham: We’re not just planning consultants in Birmingham, we’re invested in the city’s success. Our passion fuels our dedication and drives us to deliver exceptional results.

Building Birmingham’s Future, Together.

Birmingham’s future is bright, and we want to be part of it. Let’s work together to turn your vision into reality, create thriving communities, and build a sustainable, prosperous Birmingham for generations to come.

Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how Evolve can be your partner in Birmingham’s success story.



Neil Cox


Managing Director

Neil spent around 15 years working for Local Planning Authorities within Staffordshire, including as Planning Policy Manager at Lichfield District Council. More recently Neil spent over 7 years working for a national, multi-disciplinary planning consultancy.

A Chartered Town Planner with over 20 years’ professional experience gained in both local government and within a national, multi-disciplinary planning consultancy, Neil has a wide knowledge of both development management and planning policy aspects of the planning system. Neil is experienced in undertaking site appraisals, promoting sites through the plan-led system and steering projects through the development management process.

An effective communicator and project manager with particular skills in organising and running community engagement events.


Stuart Wells



Stuart spent over 10 years at a national, multi-disciplinary planning consultancy and has an array of clients active in the residential, commercial, leisure and retail sectors. Stuart has wide-ranging experience with a track-record of successfully navigating development proposals through the planning process, from smaller scale projects through to complex strategic residential, commercial and infrastructure proposals.

As well as regularly leading in the preparation and management of a wide variety of planning applications, Stuart’s calm and collected outlook has proven invaluable when negotiating complex development control matters. Stuart also leads in the management of planning appeals and the delivery of public consultation.

Complementing these skills, Stuart also has broad experience of land promotion and Local Plans, including the assessment of housing land supply. As a Chartered Town Planner, Stuart brings a spirited and friendly approach to those he works with.


contact us

Please feel free to get in touch to discuss any projects we may be able to assist with:

We aim to reply within 24 hours.